For many of you, when you think of Big Red, this is who comes to mind…

But for me, this the guy…

To this end, since I’ve been using this space to spread the good word on the printed matter as of late. Let me encourage you all to pick up Bill Walton’s new memoir, Back From The Dead. It really is a marvelous, inspirational account of an extraordinary life. It’s a saga of music, basketball, physical ailment, road to recovery, music, basketball, physical ailment, road to recovery, music, basketball…

John Wooden, Maurice Lucas, Jerry Garcia, Larry Bird, Jack Ramsay and many, many others figure prominently in this altogether engaging story.

Bill visited us at Relix a couple weeks ago and his energy and enthusiasm lifted us to a higher plane that lasted for some time to follow…

Stay tuned for my Relix Conversation with Bill but in the interim pick up his book for some prep work. Quality entertainment assured…
Later days and peace,
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