Chris Robinson and Rich Robinson are in the midst of touring an unplugged version of The Black Crowes across the U.S. under the banner “Brothers of a Feather.”
However, as their Feb. 21 gig in Philadelphia proved, the intimate setting is ripe for chatty audience members, and it didn’t take long for Chris to express his frustration.
“It would be nice if we could hear ourselves. So if you could just shut the fuck up a little bit,” the vocalist said, near the top of the show, before launching into “Wiser Time.” “But that’s cool because what are we here every fucking week doing this shit? It’s impossible. It’s impossible sometimes to make music when all you hear is that [gestures to audience member]. We’re not gonna be up here for that long, so if you could show us a little respect. We’re happy to see you. It’s a waste of our time to have to stop to ask other people to be polite while we’re performing.”
Later, before “Oh Josephine,” Chris remained irritated.
“We apologize! We apologize! We are so sorry! We love you!” a man can be heard yelling from the crowd.
Chris replied, “I get it. We’re happy to be here, but it’s not any fun if we can’t get into it… You’re fucking grown adults and you paid your money. You should fuckin’ pay attention. It’s one guy with a guitar and one person singing. And again, the vibes are so good and everyone’s happy but we have to stop because we can’t hear ourselves. Seriously, man. Get it fucking together. Or we can just play ‘She Talks to Angels’ and fuck off. Which would be very punk rock.”
For more information on the Brothers of a Feather tour click here.
Watch Chris talk to the crowd – via YouTuber Jim Powers – below:
71 Comments comments associated with this post
July 22, 2021 at 11:53 amNothing worse than a preachy rocker telling you how to have a good time. Why does everyone have to be silent? It’s a bar gig you dipshit. You’re not MLK giving the “I have a dream” speech. Get over yourself. All these years you been doing this and you still can’t handle a crowd? We paid you, you didn’t pay us. Now shut the F up with all that pissy moany BS and sing or get off the GD stage and let someone else do it.
February 28, 2020 at 2:31 pmFrom the Steve Goodman biography when he was just starting to perform in ’67:
Vito, who would first lean down and quickly warn a heckler, “Hey excuse me, sir, but the people here paid a cover charge to hear the singer sing his songs, and nobody else can hear it, so we’d appreciate it if you would help all the people here.” If the warning didn’t work, Vito would return and say, “Excuse me, we’re covering your tab. You’ve git to leave now.” Vince or Gus would open the front door, and Vito would pull the heckler out of his seat and propel him outdoors into the adjacent parking meters or the middle of traffic on Wells Street.
Ah, the good ole days…..
February 27, 2020 at 4:05 pmryan adams been CANCELLED, Yo
get woke.
just reading the name fucking triggered me.
Now I gotta drag my dog to another concert it doesnt want to go to.
February 27, 2020 at 3:40 pmRyan Adams wrote a song backstage during a break at a Philly show about how he felt when the crowds wouldn’t shut up. In essence the lyrics were f u fu fu fu….I don’t know Chris and his demeanor however he is absolutely correct.
David Rubin
February 27, 2020 at 12:48 pmIt’s one thing to make a mistake. Its another to carelessly and disrespectfully ignore the request of the performer.
February 27, 2020 at 10:43 amThey should have done this in Europe where the audience is polite and respectful. Sorry to say but US audiences can’t STFU during a show like this, fuckin brats.
Frank Rizzo
February 26, 2020 at 10:24 pmConcerts/shows are for dancers, listeners, and for people to let loose and have a great time…YAPPERS NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT. Who the fuck goes to a concert anyways and talks the entire time? Lame if you ask me…Local Bar scene a little different maybe. This newer generation doesn’t know how to get down on the dance floor. They stand around like milkduds, chom away, and text each other.
Keyshawn Sucks
February 26, 2020 at 9:26 pmSSB talking about rings around the noses!
Shut up please
February 26, 2020 at 8:37 pmWe all know Chris is a dick BUT he’s got a point…I’m all for people enjoying themselves at shows, but please respect the fact that others want to hear the music…Concerts are hang-outs for many and they have the right to enjoy themselves, but if you want to talk all night, stay the fuck home
February 26, 2020 at 8:20 pmFact is Chris is a twat and always has been..but..big butt… he’s so freakin right. I’ve told people to STFU many times now and they usually do.. especially since I’m not one to back down if people keep talking after I first nicely ask them to STFU.. and if I have to get mean although I don’t like to.. I certainly will if someone’s getting on my last nerve. I’ve been going to concerts for over 30 years and it’s gotten way worse over the last 5-10 years. If people wanna talk than just get the fuck outta the crowd and go to the bar plain and simple. I’m right with the dude who says he’ll punch a douchebag in the throat. If the venue isn’t willing to do something about rude motherfuckers than it’s the fans duty to take matters into their own hands. Next time you wanna talk through a show and ruin my head I suggest standing far away from me cause you will definitely see the old Brooklyn boy come out!! Usually when I’ve told people let’s go outside if they don’t like me telling them to STFU..99% of the time they do shut their mouths. The 1% that Don’t..if they’re still next to me they’re getting my arm jabbing their ribs and that generally gets them away. On the few occasions when they haven’t… they always back down when I get in their face. It is what it is… just STFU at a show or be prepared to throw down!! I’m a peaceful dude..but there’s only so much I’ll put up with.
February 26, 2020 at 7:04 pmReason I’m loving the free livestreams and couch tours lately. It’s a no win for the artist because they will be posted online and the paying and traveling audience loses too. Solution is to have security at these smaller venues monitor the stand-out jerks and warn them they will have to leave if they don’t respect the artist and audience (pre-show and during if necessary). I’m sure the rest of the paying customers will agree.
February 26, 2020 at 5:30 pmRich Robinson be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
February 26, 2020 at 4:16 pmI see everyone here is now drunk and full of themselves. Probably still living in yer moms basement and not paying rent. you dont have a J.O.B. in the greatest economy in Murican history and you just post shit to take up your miserable life so you dont swallow a bullet. My work is done here. Hope you liked my article.
Nick Beachl
May 3, 2020 at 5:44 amThat economy though
September 24, 2020 at 4:21 amJaggerrich? Is that you?
the real ssb
February 26, 2020 at 4:13 pmUp here in New England when it’s a gaggle of very clean shaven fratboy bro’s in izod’s & tweed sport jackets drinking Michelob Ultra’s with stains of white powder around their nostrils, the typical loud conversation inevitably involves bass fishing on Long Island Sound: “we got out past Montauk point & the blues were really runnin’, we were landing 26 pounders left & right BOOUUUYAAAAHHHH!”
West thug life
February 26, 2020 at 4:17 pmhahahahaaaaa!!! YES!!!! I LOVE you east coast fuckeer! chowdaheads!
February 26, 2020 at 3:59 pmIronically I remember going to a Crowes show in the early 90’s where they themselves were so loud it was unenjoyable…
Keyshawn Sucks
February 26, 2020 at 3:58 pmTHEY WERE PLAYING BLACK CROWES SONGS!!!!
February 27, 2020 at 10:50 amExhibit A Ladies and Gentleman..A typical asshole that just doesn’t get it. The people that who went there to listen to music give a fuck you asshole.
February 26, 2020 at 3:52 pmSheeesh….I mean I get it…a lot of the time I wish people would do the same, and then I go to a concert, drink my merry bit, and realize it’s easy to make that mistake. I don’t think I could ever talk all the way through a show like some people since I have it in my head, but some people behave differently when drunk. Best show I went to last year everyone was dead quiet and you could hear the band express themselves entirely. That said, nobody was dancing around cause the audience was dead still. So it’s all trade offs, you know? Just don’t be so mean, and try to understand your neighbor, no matter how much they piss you off. Also, it’s not a “past ten years” kind of thing. Ever since I’ve been going to shows I’ve had people chatting around me. It’s just the more you want to get into the music, the more you realize the people talking. Listen to old tapes of the Dead….haha, you can’t help but get a snippet into someone’s life from decades ago!
February 26, 2020 at 3:31 pm“I’ve got bone to pick cause i’m sick
of you motherfuckers talking shit” — Geto Boys
Yo, let me drop it in a lingo, these young hepcats dig, you know what i’m saying? That’z rizzight ya’ll, u gots to speak as a black stereotype to get thru to these racist millenial f-bombs, no diggity.
miss u greggy
February 26, 2020 at 11:07 pmI was front row right in front of Gregg Allman singing & this guy & his girls are chatting up a storm I turned around punched him the arm & said STFU ! They looked horrified but they stopped talking They where just so oblivious 2 what was going on Its just epidemic
Keyshawn Sucks
February 26, 2020 at 3:12 pmguy was singing fuckin Black Crowe songs.
who gives a fuck?!
I say talk till ya drop
and check out ” Used to Be Me” above.
another 12 Step candy striper Douche bag
Broseph SF
February 26, 2020 at 3:05 pmMy day: I get up, coif my bun, poop for 30 minutes, trim my beard (after I paint it in) then I grab the shoehorn so I can put my pants on (I dont wear underwear because I already pooped). I go into my sisters room and grab her silk shirt. It fits perfectly because I have a bird chest. I text my friends and say I’ll meet them at the show. then I check Facebook for all of my likes. Do my YouTube video about how perfect Kim K is. Then I ask mom and dad for money. I go out. Drink a few White Claws with my “bro’s”. Tonight we are seeing this guy Chris and his brother. So I have a full narrative of why Buffy broke up with me and how my English teacher stares at my package in class. We laugh a lot and get scolded by this guy who looks like my cool uncle; oh wait thats Chris. We laugh at him, hes soooo EMO and kind of an asshol… BAM, I hit the floor my friends go running, they didn’t even defend me! man! and I end up bloody outside with no shirt and a size 13 up my ass from this fat mean longhair guy with a real beard because I could not shut the fuck up. My eye is swollen shut and I’m laying in human feces. I hate this world its so mean and harsh, I need to go see my therapist. The End.
Omar Comin
February 26, 2020 at 3:50 pmThanks for the laugh!
Johnny Colt
February 26, 2020 at 8:48 pmGotta love my Broseph…??
February 26, 2020 at 2:40 pmAh, boy is Chris Robinson an asshole, and in this case, he is 100% correct. The talking over the music at shows is BRUTAL. I have told friends of mine to STFU. It’s self-absorbed, millennial bullshit. I didn’t pay to hear some douche talk about his day. I paid to hear the music. STFU or go elsewhere. But yeah,he could have probably found a better way to do it.
February 26, 2020 at 2:38 pmI agree. It’s out of hand. Pay good money to see a show, then yap during slow or acoustic songs. I can’t stand it when people don’t shut the fuck up. You should fuckin’ pay attention as CR stated.
February 26, 2020 at 2:28 pmCommon courtesy went away a long time ago. I’d like to see more venues step up and start bouncing some of these a-holes.
Your Mom.
February 26, 2020 at 2:03 pmWelcome to Millennialville where we PAY to hear and see something then just fuckin ignore it as background music and noise. All of you dickfaces who are trolling CR I’m talking to YOU! You have never once experienced remotely negative or had any single worry in your life EVER because people like US have made your life easy and simple so you don’t know how appreciate anything other than your face in the mirror. You are welcome BTW and shut the fuck up! Before someone much drunker and meaner that you smashes that pretty mug into oblivion. Have a nice day assholes. BTW, go slap your parents for not teaching you manners. Dick.
February 26, 2020 at 2:28 pmPart of the problem is a lot of bands play in these shithole venues where all or most have to stand for the show. Which leads groups of buddys talking to each other and everyone around them , not just the guy seated next to you.
On the other hand, a lot of these shows are at these kind of venues to keep ticket prices down, big arenas generally mean big overhead. But yes it has gotten a lot worse last few years, I’m with CR on this one
February 26, 2020 at 4:37 pmYou might be surprised to see how many drunk 50 year olds do the same exact thing. I wasn’t at the show last night but the BC aren’t exactly drawing a lot of kids these days. I’d bet the vast majority of that crowd was well over 40
Orange leader
February 26, 2020 at 8:44 pmHi Mom, hope your day improves…
February 27, 2020 at 8:35 amIs this Chris Robinson himself?
Person X
February 26, 2020 at 1:58 pmBob Weir said the EXACT same thing — “pay attention” — a couple of weeks ago at one of his intimate shows @Sweetwater in Mill Valley, CA. when Wolf Bros played. Not to be confused with when he said STFU a ways back….. this was very recent.
Especially in an intimate venue setting, its just courteous to the performers and other ticket buyers around you to save your conversations for the breaks and after the show. Or go outside if you’re not into the music. thats cool too.
February 26, 2020 at 1:42 pmfucken crybaby. Try being so good nobody will want to talk.
you get kicked first.
February 26, 2020 at 2:19 pmFucken millennial asshat. Try having an ounce of manners so you dont get your fucking ass kicked all over the venue. Or better yet go “protest” something and stay out of the night club all together. Pussy.
September 24, 2020 at 4:13 amWhat is this, 1968? And you’re a Frank Sinatra fan. Listen to yourself, you moron.
Tim P.
February 26, 2020 at 1:41 pmThis yapping at shows is becoming more and more of an annoyance. My wife and I attended a show last weekend and the first part was an acoustic set of about 6 songs. You could people yapping over the music, I told my wife I wanted to stand on my seat and tell people to shut the hell up! I do think alcohol or more to the point too much alcohol is part of the problem, but I go to a lot of shows and it just seems like a lot of the crowd has no interest in the music and prefer to jabber away and not respect the performers or the other audience members. Just my 2 cents!
Doug S.
February 26, 2020 at 1:28 pmPerformers shush talkers all the time in intimate settings like this, but you guys like to pile on CRob.
He’s right by the way. In environments like this, it’s extremely rude to your neighbors to carry on conversations. Go outside the listening room.
Punch You In the Throat
February 26, 2020 at 1:21 pmPersonally I am over the talkers at shows. They are getting one nice please STFU no one paid a dime to HEAR YOU. After that I think I am just going to start punching people in the throat. If I spend a LOT of money to go see a run and someone is ruining the show how it that any different than the same person robbing me of that money in the parking lot? I see no difference! Thus just as I would slap you with a crowbar if you were trying to rob me. I’ll punch you in the throat and see if that makes you STFU!
I'll take them high, you take em low.
February 26, 2020 at 2:11 pmPreach it! and I promise you this. I’m right there with you! 100% I’ll smack some alcohol right out of some idiot trying to steal my night out!
Dave the Slave
February 26, 2020 at 1:19 pmI think some of the issue is that many people look at shows more as a party than a musical event. And Chris is indeed an asshole.
February 26, 2020 at 12:30 pmI only watched the first few minutes of each clip and he was more than respectful with his requests… Just STFU or go somewhere else to impress your date.
The Acoustic Army
February 26, 2020 at 12:23 pmI think the way he asked for respect was disrespectful , if you are polite to your audience they will be understanding , playing acoustic is annoying when there is a lot of audience noise but if you don’t choose the right venue it’s always gonna be noisy , sit down theaters are always the way to go if you want people to listen .
used to be me
February 26, 2020 at 12:16 pmAlcohol turns many a folk into self-absorbed, combative, morons. Here we have some great examples: Chris Robinson and yapping audience members
February 26, 2020 at 12:09 pmWhen did audiences forget that “They aren’t the show!” Nobody wants to hear the person next to them in conversation while the bands playing. Nobody wants the guy in front of them to hold up his cell phone every song and try to stream it. Nobody wants the people who show up late to push through the crowd once the headliner comes on. – If you’re there for the music, dig the music. If you’re there for the scene…. find another scene. (Just another old guy who remembers the way it used to be)
February 26, 2020 at 2:02 pmI’m with you dude. I think “kids” these days think reality is in their cell phone and the posts they’re sending. Sad and fucked up.
February 26, 2020 at 4:33 pmI see plenty of non-kids acting like fools too. Stupidity isn’t just for young people
Ellis Dean
February 26, 2020 at 11:58 amI agree that two things can be true:
1) Chris Robinson is not a particularly nice fellow.
2) Audience members who stand in the main part of the audience (e.g. not at the back of the room or at the bar) and talk are awful, selfish people.
It’s stupid that we even have to have this discussion about letting the performers perform and keeping your BS monologue about your week on hold until the music is over. NOBODY wants to hear you talk, and everybody paid money to HEAR A PERFORMANCE, not listen to you jabber on about stuff that doesn’t matter to anybody.
And while I dislike Chris Robinson, I think he’s 110% in the right here.
February 26, 2020 at 11:41 amTwo things can be true at once.1) Chris is an insufferable prick. 2) People should talk less at shows, especially acoustic shows. But for the almighty Chris “Greatest Singer In The History Of Rock And Roll And A Legend In His Own Mind” Robinson, just buy some in-ears, have the monitor guy turn them up, and go about your business for people who paid money to see you. Asshole.
February 26, 2020 at 11:34 amI’m torn over this. People who talk during intimate shows are fucking annoying. They show a lack of respect for everyone around them. BUT a musician giving his own audience shit? I can understand his frustration. He just needs to address it differently.
this guy
February 26, 2020 at 11:50 am^^^ same here. shows have become kinda unbearable over the past 10 years.
Michael Serfass
February 26, 2020 at 2:08 pmYou’re spot on here….those dipshits are annoying – But….Chris Robinson can suck my dick if he thinks I’m gonna stand there & be reprimanded like a child. Especially by a fukn’ spoiled bag of shit like him. I USED to love The Black Crowes, but he totally ruins it by being his normal douchbag self. Fuck him.
September 24, 2020 at 4:07 amYeah, except fuck you, John Mayer. LOL!
February 26, 2020 at 11:30 amI can see how he’d get annoyed, I’ve been to plenty of shows where I wonder if half of the crowd is even aware they’re at a concert because they’re talking the whole time.
I remember seeing Ian Anderson a number of years back and the crowd wasn’t allowed to talk or even get refreshments while he was performing. That was a nice show.
John Mason
February 26, 2020 at 11:50 amI wish more venues instituted such rules as that you describe. Or at least offered some advisory about talking as is so often tendered regarding cell usage!?
A man
February 26, 2020 at 11:28 amThis is how it is nowadays folks. Everyone is a spoiled rich kid who doesnt give a fuck about anyone but themselves. These folks are so spoiled and dumb they dont even notice how expensive tickets are getting and how bad the sound is.
February 26, 2020 at 1:59 pmAmen brother. I can hardly stand it any more.
mike hunt
February 26, 2020 at 2:07 pmTrue story right here! Fucking pathetic little bitches in makeup and tight pants. The girls are whiny too.
February 26, 2020 at 3:20 pmBobby said it best STFU!
Erich Widmer
February 26, 2020 at 3:40 pmPlenty of broke fucks wreck shows too.
Ricj Rob
February 26, 2020 at 11:26 amThe vibes are so good? Yeah, I don’t think so… You’re an asshole. You’ve always been an asshole. You will always be an asshole.
Rob Roy
February 26, 2020 at 12:23 pmA Hole or not, he’s absolutely F’ing right. STFU, Bob Weir said it first. The louder the music, the louder they have to shout to be heard over it. Some people are just A holes themselves.
February 26, 2020 at 2:37 pmYeah, Chris Robinson is an asshole, and he’s also right. People who go to concerts should shut the fuck up and listen to the music. There is nothing worse than listening to some Chadbro talk over the music. It sucks.
March 28, 2020 at 8:50 pmI saw Chris Robinson at Half Moon Bay, when he played with Green Leaf Rustlers. It was a spectacular show!! It was outside, which I liked. No one talked during the show, people only talked when the band took a break. He was nice to the audience and it was an awesome show. People don’t like to hear other people talk at shows. Save the talk for later, man. I don’t care what that person did or how their day went. I just want to hear the band play!! I cant blame him for getting annoyed with the audience.
February 27, 2020 at 8:06 amCR is still bitter at Mayer for getting the D&C gig and playing stadiums, while he can barely fill bars. And I was at a Crowes show at the Cap when he went on a tirade at fans for “checking their fantasy stats.” The guy is a douche.
Patrick Logan
February 27, 2020 at 8:36 amYour ignorance isp showing…
February 27, 2020 at 9:08 amYeah? His Mayer comments on Howard Stern show what he is: a bitter old man whose career has tanked. I think he wanted the gig himself except he can’t play guitar for shit. And the places he’s playing now are freakin’ bars, look it up.
September 24, 2020 at 4:05 amSure thing, John Mayer. You’re a cunt and Dead&Co is an abomination. When you die, the universe won’t notice