Barry “The Fish” Melton, known as the co-founder and initial lead guitarist in the 1960s-originated acid rock band Country Joe and The Fish and later, Bay Area supergroup Dinosaurs, has announced his return to New York’s music scene for the first time in more than 50 years. The artist and former bandmate David Bennett Cohen will participate in a one-night stand at The Bitter End on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6:30 p.m.

Billed as The Wizard and The Fish, the night will feature music provided by the aforementioned returnee to the Big Apple and his Country Joe and The Fish bandmate David Bennett Cohen, often called “The Wizard.” The U.S. concert arrives after the duo took part in a series of UK tour dates, where they delved into material that circulated the airwaves in the sixties and seventies. 

Known for their anti-war protest anthems and counter-culture touchpoints regarding motifs of free love and recreational drug use, the music of Country Joe and The Fish has provided a poignant participation as musical contributors to the acid rock movement coming off the nifty-fifties and falsehoods of perfection steeped into the so-called Golden Age of American life.  

Tickets for The Wizard and The Fish are on sale now.