JPG: That brings us back to Rick Perry.

KF: Rick is ineffectual. Traits of Obama, he’s incapable of real leadership and he’s not a man of the people. Obama would be very happy being in Martha’s Vineyard his whole life. He doesn’t really want to go anywhere, if he could. That’s nothing new. Eisenhower was like that as president. He liked to play golf and he liked being president. Those were simpler times in some ways. I mean the Libya policy, really, kinda just shows you what a lack of leadership is. I mean, all the false steps, the stops and the starts. I mean you don’t have a Churchill there and you don’t have a Davy Crockett.

JPG: Libya has me confused though because yes, it’s another war, but the military was stopping anti-government protestors from being slaughtered…

KF: Once you jump into it and once you say, ‘The guy’s gotta go. We’ve got to get rid of Gaddafi.
He must leave. He must go. He’s a dictator. He’s a bad man. He must leave.’ Once you do that, you gotta get rid of him. And if you don’t…and now Obama created a situation where Gaddafi can just hang on and he’s a fucking hero. And every bad person on the planet, every bad government and every dictator is a power by him hanging on.

I think the guy is what he is. He’s a Harvard law instructor and that’s what you get. We saw the BP oil spill and, you guys weren’t close to it, but down here, we saw Obama’s lack of interest in it, lack of ability to…Can you imagine what [former Texas Governor] Anne Richards might have done or even Bill or Hillary Clinton, or again Churchill? I mean, you really needed somebody to take the wheel. And that’s being a man of the people. Somebody who loves the people and the people love them. And that’s just not the case with any of these politicians today. And you know, to be honest, its true in every category — music, Hollywood, wherever you go — the culture is, if you tell the truth, you get in trouble. That’s what mainly happens.

JPG: For someone who has a sense of history and has been around for a bit…I have this theory that, when the history of this time is looked upon, one of the things that will be viewed as a crime against humanity, if you will, is the 24-hour news and cable channels because they contain so much non-news and the things that focus on is a matter of bread and circuses.

KF: I’m working on this book with Billy Bob Thornton right now. He was pointing that out. He said the thing he did that got the most publicity was not proposing to Angelina Jolie and marrying her, I guess, or Sling Blade or winning an Academy Award or none of that, it was this incident with this disc jockey in Canada. And he said, ‘That was a small potatoes thing,’ where the two of them really disagreed, where he thought the guy really sold him down river early in the morning and they jumped down each other’s throats. So, this thing got blown up into some big deal and how much he hates Canada and everything, which is not true at all.

The little things are the things that are really meaningless little things. They get blow up big time, and the big things we just gloss over. They’re not really important. The only two things I care about really are Libya and Charlie Sheen. I just think America is taking a giant step backwards, our culture has. And what has killed us is political correctness. And of all people, Barbara Jordan was the one who warned about political correctness way before all this — decades ago – that political correctness was a devil, was an enemy for free thinking people. So, now we have a situation John, imagine you and I are entertainment managers say, and we get a young Richard Pryor who comes into our office or a young George Carlin or a Lenny Bruce or Mel Brooks, we couldn’t find those people work very easily these days if they were just coming up. You know what? We couldn’t get Blazing Saddles made today. No studio would take it, and nobody would distribute it. So, is that a step forward or not? You’re going to have to decide. And I’m speaking now of a song like “They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore” which uses the word ‘nigger’. Was it a bad song by a racist as politicians will have you think or is it an anthem against bigotry, which anybody who listens to the song knows?

JPG: Well, that’s interesting because a closer look at your songs as well as reading your views on matters, as chronicled on Wikipedia, you could be called a libertarian or even a progressive.

KF: I’m like Texas, I’m schizophrenic.

JPG: Do you think, with the idea of using satire to make your point…

KF: What do you think John, did Wikipedia get it right or wrong? I haven’t seen it.

*JPG: According to Cary (Kinky’s publicist), he thought it was good enough to encourage me to check it out. *

KF: Okay.

JPG: So, I’ll have to go by what he said and, if you check it out, what you say.

KF: I don’t go on the internet.

JPG: Oh, you don’t?

KF: No.

JPG: Why is that?

KF: Well, I think it’s just a million different ways of saying absolutely nothing. We’ve got a lot ways to say things and absolutely nothing to say. And I’m lazy. Not just that. Here’s what I think of the internet. I think the internet is a 57 year old pedophile in New Jersey who is pretending to be a 27 year old surfer from San Diego and is contacting a 14 year old girl in Montana who is really a middle aged vice cop in Miami. And that is the internet.

As much as you may hate pedophiles, at least they always slow down in school zones.

JPG: See, that’s what I was getting to, do you think that making your point with humor and satire, although the point is made, it’s not taken as seriously as if you were sitting there with your grey suit on, and your image like Rick Perry and you act so serious…

KF: That’s what the people want. I mean, I do run into 50 to 100 people at every Texas airport that swear they voted for me, but I think they’re pathological liars like the people that saw the Beatles’ first show in America. They couldn’t have all voted for me or I would have gotten more than 600,000 votes. I mean, I’m sure they don’t come up to Rick Perry and tell him they voted for him. If we had mandatory voting, like they have in Australia, I would have won in a landslide, but we don’t. You know what percentage of people actually voted in our last gubernatorial race?

JPG: I’m afraid.

KF: Twenty-six per cent. And that kills any Independent because the Republicans and Democrats both have their voter rolls and they know what they’re gonna get. So, they try to suppress the vote. They really do, and which is just anti-American. You know how tough it is for a college kid to vote? What won for Jessie Ventura was same day voter registration. And that is a small state, a small crazy state like Minnesota where an independent can win, but you probably couldn’t do it in Ohio.

Republicans and Democrats would make it so hard for kids if they thought that the kids were voting against them, which they were. They were voting for me. And by the time the revolution hit and really caught fire the kids realized they hadn’t registered two months before they were supposed to and they couldn’t vote.

JPG: We’ll I’ve done a couple articles on HeadCount, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it?

KF: No.

JPG: It’s a voter registration organization, which hooks up with bands who allow them to put tables at shows during entire tours in order to get people registered to vote. And they put together information telling people where they are supposed to go to vote. Now, I’ve worked for elections as far as a presiding judge and making sure the machines worked properly. And I may have a view of who or what I’d like to see win but, at the same time, I want everybody of voting age to vote, and then let the chips fall where they may in the end.

KF: Right. That’s the way to do it. Well, you know, having been run in a Democratic primary I’d say, ‘Fuck the Democrats and fuck the Republicans for good measure.’ They truly are the Crips and the Bloods. I mean, they’re the same guys admiring themselves in the mirror. That’s why we’re getting nowhere in education because, it’s a stupid thing. If I go through the slums and the ghettos of Ohio and I see kids that are really talented and I know, this has been shown repeatedly, that if we could get them out of the ghetto into a new environment, they all do well. That’s what, you have to get ‘em out. One thing that might help is vouchers. Anything, anything that get ‘em out of a place where they get shot at on the way to school. That’s all is what we’re trying to do, where they have good teachers and they will make it. So, what do the Democrats do? They’re against vouchers. They’re against that. If you’re a Democrat and if you’re for vouchers you lose. If you’re a Republican and if you’re pro-choice, you lose. What a stupid system. I mean, the only thing that makes any sense is being an Independent and thinking for yourself.

The real word is ‘inspired’. What Obama has failed to do is really disastrously failed to inspire. And all the rest of them, he’s just the top of the ladder, but all of them. Look as this group of governors of our country, are these men who inspire people? Do you want to be like them when you grow up? Hell no. No kid does.

What’s happened here? We don’t have one guy that we respect or admire or that could inspire us. Not one [Fiorello] LaGuardia or Teddy Roosevelt or Huey Long.

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