Non-profits HeadCount and REVERB will join Dead & Company on tour once again this summer, and they’ve just revealed the custom D’Angelico guitars they will auction off as well as the pins they will give fans in exchange for “positive actions” at the concerts’ Participation Row.
According to HeadCount, “Dead & Co Participation Row guitar and poster auctions have generated over $875,000 for various charities, with proceeds split between HeadCount, REVERB and a dozen ‘Dead Family’ non-profit organizations.”
On past tours, Bob Weir has been spotted wearing the same “Vote” pins the organization is offering fans.
“Every year, Dead & Company gets better and better and Participation Row has even more impact,” HeadCount Executive Director Andy Bernstein said to “Whether it’s registering voters, protecting the environment or raising funds for Dead family charities, we feel ourselves making a difference at every show.”
Additionally, the Cannabis Voter Project will celebrate its first year on Participation Row this summer, with support from cannabis brand CannaCraft.
For more information about HeadCount click here.
Check out the nonprofit’s official 2019 summer tour pin below:

2 Comments comments associated with this post
Captain Jeff Marchant
June 1, 2019 at 12:24 amDead & Co. thank you for your political stance. It is up to us to make the change.
I honestly think Dead & Co. should partner with MSD students to push for change.
2/26/18 was the most amazing show & setlist I have ever seen or heard
6 million
May 30, 2019 at 7:00 pm(((Headcount)))