So you guys are doing “All Things Must Pass.” That will be really cool

Yes, we’ll do that and a lot of songs from that album. And one of the great thrills for us is we’re having Jim Keltner coming in to play with us. He was a Wilbury. We’ll do a little Wilburys. He was a huge part of George’s career and in fact a huge part of a lot of those guys’ careers. All The Beatles love Jim Keltner.

The Wilburys also did a lot with Dylan as well as George, too

Yeah and later with Simon & Garfunkel. We actually just did a gig in LA on Saturday night and he sat in with us. I didn’t know what to expect, but he sat in during “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” We have all those parts covered already, but I was wondering what he was going to do. Is there anything he can possible say musically with all the other textures happening? He was playing some amazing creative stuff. It’s going to thrilling to see what he does with this George show. He’s the man.

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