Photo Credit: Dino Perrucci

Last night, Dec. 28, Phil Lesh & Friends returned to The Warfield in San Francisco to wrap up their celebratory stand, which honored the 100th birthday of the iconic Golden City venue. The midweek concert included accompaniment by Lesh’s son and Midnight North frontman Grahame Lesh, Goose’s Rick Mitarotonda, members of the Trey Anastasio Band’s horn section including Jennifer Hartswick, James Casey, Natalie Cressman, as well as drummer John Molo and keyboardist Jason Crosby.  

The night got underway with a sparkling rendition of “Jack Straw” led by Grahame, who delivered the Robert Hunter-penned lyrics. Next, “He’s Gone” arrived and got the all-star treatment by Cressman, Hartswick, and Casey, who flawlessly captured the feel of the favored tune by harmonizing the mournful verses. In continuation of the night, the group landed on Obray Ramsey’s standard “Cold Rain and Snow,” which saw Mitarotonda escort the ensemble through the number. 

As the night stretched on, a triumphant display of “Here Comes Sunshine” unfolded and was capped with a fluttering “Bird Song.” Next up, Hartswick took the helm on “Scarlet Begonias,” accompanied by a jam featuring Casey, Crosby and Mitarontonda. Then, for the final song of the first frame, the band worked through the instrumental, “King Solomon’s Marbles,” plucked from the 1975 epic, Blues for Allah

After returning from the set break, the group of musician’s landed on “China Cat Sunflower,” which flowed over into a horn-driven display of “St. Stephen.” Next, Casey-led a cover of The Beatles’ favorite, “Dear Prudence.” Then, they worked through “Unbroken Chain,” which presented masterful moments of improvisation as Grahame and Mitarontonda traded guitar licks. 

“Terrapin Station” emerged out of “Unbroken Chain” and saw Cressman and Mirarontonda share verses on “Lady With A Fan.” Then, Grahame and Hartswick divided duties on “Morning Dew” before the ensemble capped their second frame with “Uncle John’s Band.” After a brief break, the band returned and cut into the night’s encore, a take on the Grateful Dead classic, “Truckin’.” 

Stream the first part of the group’s Dec. 28 set below. Scroll down to view Phil Lesh & Friend’s setlist. 

Phil Lesh & Friends 

The Warfield – San Francisco 

Dec. 28, 2022 

Set I: Jack Straw, He’s Gone, Cold Rain and Snow, Here Comes Sunshine, Bird Song, Scarlet Begonias, King Solomon’s Marbles 

Set II: China Cat Sunflower, St. Stephen, Dear Prudence, Unbroken Chain, Terrapin Station, Morning Dew, Uncle John’s Band 

Enc.: Truckin’