Photo by Dino Perrucci
According to a report by WBEN, New York State’s ban on ticketed live music events has been ruled unconstitutional. Back in August, the New York State Liquor Authority declared that bars and restaurants could not advertise or host ticketed live music events. Instead, those events must be “incidental.” “This means that advertised and/or ticketed shows are not permissible. Music should be incidental to the dining experience and not the draw itself,” read the SLA guidelines.
According to the report, “New York State Supreme Court Justice Frank Sedita ruled against the state’s ban that live music cannot be advertised and ticketed.”
In a segment on WBEN radio, attorney Paul Cambria, who “brought the lawsuit on behalf of the Sportsmens Tavern,” explained the ruling. “It means they can advertise that they have musical groups,” he said. “The state agreed that we could advertise so-called background music, but…our position was that it was an impediment of free speech because it’s content-based. Secondly, we’re already bound by all the safety and capacity regulations, so it doesn’t matter how people come to the establishment.”
“They still have to follow distancing and stage limitations and sanitization and food service and all the rest of it,” Cambria concluded.
It is possible that New York State will appeal the ruling, but it has not yet moved to do so.
For more information, read the report at WBEN.

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D of KC
October 2, 2020 at 5:42 pmSocialism sucks and anyone with a brain has figured that fact out that 180+ Million have died as a result of Socialism, great way eh? Masks like Dr. Fauci are a joke, go USA, Go TRUMP!!!
October 2, 2020 at 5:16 pmYour deranged President mocked masks and downplayed the virus and where is he now? I love live music as much as anyone but if u crowd into venues without masks you may pay the same price. Did BS cause his illness? It’s not socialism to protect your self and others. I hope the president makes a full recovery so we can kick his ass on Nov 3.
D of KC
October 2, 2020 at 4:45 pmThere ya go! Dems do LOVE control, seen it over and over since March. So as we say- say hell no to Socialism this November or plan on higher taxes and gov’t controlling All aspects of your life Man!!!??!!
We want live music now
October 1, 2020 at 11:16 pmMayor Deblasio, Governor Como, Vice President Biden will put their foot down and stomp it. Your dictators will say “shut up and put on a mask” … there is already a $1000 fine in place which they will collect, unless you’re protesting. Do you want freedom & music? Hold your nose and Vote Trump 2020 , wild man? Of course he is but his business decisions will save our stages and get musicians PAID the money they deserve (save your breath about Covid… If you don’t feel safe stay in your basement with Joe)
October 2, 2020 at 3:37 amAgree 100% w the TRUMP VOTE… Unless you want another LOCKDOWN..
October 2, 2020 at 10:25 pmYou’re both morons.
October 1, 2020 at 6:49 pmgood job! not a fan of attorneys but this is a win, for sure, against some total BS.
Black rock rules !
October 1, 2020 at 4:05 pmHooray !! Bring back live music !