This week’s installment of the Grateful Dead’s “All The Years Live” takes us back to Independence Day 1989, with an emotive “Cold Rain and Snow” live from Upstate New York’s Orchard Park.
“One of the most consistently played songs in the Dead’s repertoire 1966-1995, ‘Cold Rain and Snow’ was quite commonly a show-opener, but also appeared in various places throughout first sets, and occasionally second sets,” explains GD archivist/legacy manager David Lemieux. “This one, from the magnificent Buffalo 89 show, was the third song of the first set, on a hot, humid, and later rainy night in Western New York.”
To stay up to date with the All The Years Live series, subscribe and visit the Grateful Dead YouTube channel.
Watch the 7/4/89 “Cold Rain and Snow” below:
1 Comment comments associated with this post
The Merchant
January 17, 2020 at 6:47 pmAnother widely released and easily available clip. Truckin up to Buffalo is great