Today, The NYC Freaks announced that they will return to Brooklyn for the 21st iteration of their beloved annual party, The Freaks Ball. This year’s event–the first since 2020–will take place on Sept. 22, at The Bell House in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Freaks Ball XXI will feature live music from Freaks Ball veteran Scott Metzger’s WOLF!, as well as Brooklyn’s all-female brass ensemble, The Brass Queens.
For two decades, The NYC Freaks have brought the jam scene’s top players together in various venues across New York City. Past all-star bills have included The New Mastersounds, Apollo Sunshine, Chris Harford & the Band of Changes (featuring Dean Ween), The Squad (a variation of Lettuce), Ollabelle, Tom Hamilton’s American Babies, Skerik, Mike Dillon and Anders Osborne.
Notably, Joe Russo’s Almost Dead was born out of what was intended to be a one-time jam session at Freaks Ball 2013, who celebrated their 10 year milestone earlier this year at the Brooklyn Bowl in New York and The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, N.Y. Read more about the 10 year anniversary shows here.
General on-sale will take place July 14 and $2 from each ticket will be donated to the Freaks Action Network to support local music charities. Learn more and find tickets to the Freaks Ball XXI here.

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