Going Furthur, a feature-length documentary film following Ken Kesey, the Merry Pranksters, the Acid Tests and their iconic vehicle has been streaming exclusively on Relix Cinema, and the filmmakers have extended its availability through Aug. 9.
The film was directed by Colby Rex O’Neill, Matt Pidutti and Lindsay Kent and premiered at San Francisco DocFest in June 2016.
Going Furthur shows Ken Kesey’s son, Zane, taking the wheel of the Furthur Bus for its first trip since Woodstock, on the bus’ longest-running tour in history. Together with his father’s legacy and a new band of Merry Pranksters, Zane and the Furthur bus travel over 15,000 miles, through music festivals, community events, tribal gatherings and national landmarks. Going Furthur explores the roots of a cultural movement through archival footage and over 400 hours of film.
Going Furthur will be streaming exclusively on Relix Cinema from now until Aug. 9.
If you’ve already seen the film, rate it via Rotten Tomatoes here.
Watch here.
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