This week’s installment of the Grateful Dead’s ‘All The Years Live’ showcases a June 1993 performance of “Feel Like A Stranger” from Washington, D.C., featuring Bruce Hornsby on accordion.
“Bob Weir and John Barlow’s wonderful 1980 song was mostly played as a show-opener, and allowed the Dead to jam powerfully to start the show. Like Shakedown Street, Feel Like A Stranger had a long, extended jam after the vocals, and gave Jerry unlimited space to explore his musical ideas,” explains GD archivist/legacy manager David Lemieux. “[It’s] always a favorite opener of mine, and this one features Bruce on accordion more than a year after he’d left active touring with the Grateful Dead.”
To stay up to date with the All The Years Live series, subscribe and visit the Grateful Dead YouTube channel.
Watch the 6/26/93 “Feel Like A Stranger” below:
5 Comments comments associated with this post
Sean Hennessey
January 24, 2020 at 6:53 pmWeir and those shorts, hahaha
Chris S.
January 24, 2020 at 10:18 amI was at the show with a couple good friends I’ll never forget…RIP Ed…Bill Keith and I will never forget…it was a great show and it was a scorcher that day…it began to shower a little at the beginning of The Bird Song and made the rest of the show a real blast! I believe Sting opened up
Tony Buford
January 23, 2020 at 11:20 pmnot to strong at beginning, but Jerry really jms hard on last 2/3rds. Very worthy.
January 23, 2020 at 8:37 pmGood version for post Brent era
SheepDip Band
January 23, 2020 at 1:29 pmI thought was a great era for the Dead and this is a solid version. Bobby is playing pretty fuzzed out in the beginning. Bruce playing in the background is sort of weird for me. He is a tremendous talent to just be hanging in the background.