Ahmet Zappa and brother Dweezil are locked in a dispute that is playing out through the media as The New York Times published a piece detailing the restrictions put on Dweezil by the Zappa Family Trust, one that forced him to change the name of his Zappa Plays Zappa act.
Ahmet responded earlier this month with a lengthy open letter addressing some of the claims in Dweezil’s NYT interview and now, Dweezil has responded with an open letter of his own.
In a lengthy post, Dweezil addresses each claim made by Ahmet in his initial open letter. In an intro to that, Dweezil says, “Your letter contains many contradictions and erroneous statements so it is probably best if I respond directly to your own words in context to your letter.” He goes on to add, “Before I get to that tedious undertaking I would like you to understand that in my opinion we are where we are due to the fact that you ignored my offer to settle a 10 year battle over unpaid merchandise money due to me.”
He then proceeds to explain in detail the contradictions made by his brother. To close it out, Dweezil says that “we both know you didn’t call” when referring to Ahmet’s closing line of not wanting to speak through lawyers.
Read the full post here.
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