moe. have announced that they are teaming up with to offer a free webcast from this weekend’s moe.down festival, which is set for July 4–6 at Snow Ridge Ski Resort in Turin, NY.

According to the host band’s announcement, the webcast will stream all seven sets of moe., along with music from Drive-By Truckers and more. Though not specified as included in the webcast, moe.down will also feature sets from Spafford, God Street Wine, Cory Wong, Everyone Orchestra, Max Creek, Kung Fu, Hayley Jane & The Primates, Karina Rykman, and moe. side-projects like Ha Ha the Moose and moe.Pods, among others.

Tune in to the moe.down webcast via here. Check out moe.’s full upcoming schedule here, including their All Roads Runaround dates with Blues Traveler.