SXSW has announced its list of initial Showcasing Artists invited to perform during the 39th iteration of the annual Lone Star State event, slated to take place from March 10-25, 2025, in Austin, Texas. The robust lineup boasts international representatives culled from various regions, from the Middle East to South America and places in between.

“This announcement is an excellent teaser for what you can expect to see at SXSW 2025,” said James Minor, SXSW VP. “This round includes a range of exceptional artists, from up and coming talent to established legends, and everywhere in between. If you’ve been to SXSW before, you’ll know that this list is more than an eclectic playlist; it’s a guide to discovery, and your first step toward what you’ll experience in March.”

Representing rising talent, the forthcoming lineup ranges from emerging post-punk Dubliners Gurriers to Virginia’s own multi-instrumentalist and composer Yasmin Williams. Also included are Japanese environmental music luminaries Shiho Yabuki, alt/indie pop frequenter and SXSW alum Twin Shadow, as well as first-time participants Immersion and SUSS, who will offer their Nanocluster collaboration series.

A complete list of artists can be found below. For more information, visit

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Ali (Jakarta INDONESIA)

Amiture (New York NY)

Annie-Claude Deschênes (Montreal CANADA)

Ava Vegas (Los Angeles CA)

babas tutsipop (Guadalajara MEXICO)

Bakers Eddy (Wellington NEW ZEALAND)

Bee Blackwell (Austin TX)

Big Phony (New York NY)

Bleary Eyed (Philadelphia PA)

Boo Seeka (Dudley AUSTRALIA)

Bubba Lucky (Austin TX)

Bummer Camp (New York NY)

Caleb De Casper (Austin TX)

Cap Carter (Sydney AUSTRALIA)

Cari Cari (Vienna AUSTRIA)

Carter Vail (Los Angeles CA)

CDSM (Atlanta GA)

Chinese American Bear (Seattle WA)

Cloth (Glasgow UK-SCOTLAND)

corto.alto (Glasgow UK-SCOTLAND)

Cotton Mather (Austin TX)

Delivery  (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)

Dr. Pushkin (Bolgatanga GHANA)

Dune Rats (Brisbane AUSTRALIA)

Edgar Alejandro (Guadalajara MÉXICO)

Ellur (Halifax UK-ENGLAND)

Emmeline (London UK-ENGLAND)

Exotic Fruitica (Austin TX)

Fake Dad (Los Angeles CA)

fantasy of a broken heart (Brooklyn NY)

Frankie Venter (Mount Manganui NEW ZEALAND)

GEOGRAPHER (San Francisco CA)

Graham Reynolds (Austin TX)

Guardian Singles (Auckland NEW ZEALAND)

Gurriers (Dublin IRELAND)

Gus Englehorn (Maui HI)

Hachiku (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)


Honeyglaze (London UK-ENGLAND)

Housewife (Toronto CANADA)

J.Tajor (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)

Jad Fair and the Placebos (Austin TX)

John Francis Flynn (Dublin IRELAND)

Julie Nolen (Austin TX)

Justin Morales (Cuernavaca MEXICO)

Kanaan (Oslo NORWAY)


Ki! (Copenhagen DENMARK)

Kombilesa Mi (Palenque COLOMBIA)

La Sécurité (Montréal CANADA)

Laura Lee & the Jettes (Berlin GERMANY)

Lauren Lakis (Austin TX)

Letting Up Despite Great Faults (Austin TX)

Levin Goes Lightly (Stuttgart GERMANY)

Los Eclipses (Mexico City MEXICO)

Lucy Sugerman (Canberra AUSTRALIA)


Mall Girl (Oslo NORWAY)

Man/Woman/Chainsaw (London UK-ENGLAND)

Marry Cherry (Austin TX)

Maruja (Manchester UK-ENGLAND)

mary in the junkyard (London UK ENGLAND)

Matching Outfits (Berlin GERMANY)


Meltheads (Antwerp BELGIUM)

Mhaol (Dublin IRELAND)

Midnight Navy (Austin TX)

Miranda and the Beat (New Orleans LA)

Monobloc (New York NY)

Nanocluster [Immersion | SUSS] (Brighton UK-ENGLAND)

Nature TV (Brighton UK-ENGLAND)

Nemegata (Austin TX)

Nilipek. (Istanbul TURKEY)

Nive Nielsen (Nuuk GREENLAND)

o’summer vacation (Kobe JAPAN)

Parker Woodland (Austin TX)

Paula Prieto (Buenos Aires ARGENTINA)

Perennial (Vernon CT)

Personal Trainer (Amsterdam NETHERLANDS)

Pug Johnson (Beaumont TX)

Edgar Alejandro (Guadalajara MÉXICO)

Ellur (Halifax UK-ENGLAND)

Emmeline (London UK-ENGLAND)

Exotic Fruitica (Austin    TX)

Fake Dad (Los Angeles CA)

fantasy of a broken heart (Brooklyn NY)

Frankie Venter (Mount Manganui NEW ZEALAND)

GEOGRAPHER (San Francisco CA)

Graham Reynolds (Austin TX)

Guardian Singles (Auckland NEW ZEALAND)

Gurriers (Dublin IRELAND)

Gus Englehorn (Maui HI)

Hachiku (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)


Honeyglaze (London UK-ENGLAND)

Housewife (Toronto CANADA)

J.Tajor    (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)

Jad Fair and the Placebos (Austin TX)

John Francis Flynn (Dublin IRELAND)

Julie Nolen (Austin TX)

Justin Morales (Cuernavaca MEXICO)

Kanaan (Oslo NORWAY)


Ki! (Copenhagen DENMARK)

Kombilesa Mi (Palenque COLOMBIA)

La Sécurité (Montréal CANADA)

Laura Lee & the Jettes (Berlin GERMANY)

Lauren Lakis (Austin TX)

Letting Up Despite Great Faults (Austin TX)

Levin Goes Lightly (Stuttgart GERMANY)

Los Eclipses (Mexico City MEXICO)

Lucy Sugerman (Canberra AUSTRALIA)


Mall Girl (Oslo NORWAY)

Man/Woman/Chainsaw (London UK-ENGLAND)

Marry Cherry (Austin TX)

Maruja (Manchester UK-ENGLAND)

mary in the junkyard (London UK-ENGLAND)

Matching Outfits (Berlin GERMANY)


Meltheads (Antwerp BELGIUM)

Mhaol (Dublin IRELAND)

Midnight Navy (Austin TX)

Miranda and the Beat (New Orleans LA)

Monobloc (New York NY)

Nanocluster [Immersion | SUSS] (Brighton UK-ENGLAND)

Nature TV (Brighton UK-ENGLAND)

Nemegata (Austin TX)

Nilipek. (Istanbul TURKEY)

Nive Nielsen (Nuuk GREENLAND)

o’summer vacation (Kobe JAPAN)

Parker Woodland (Austin TX)

Paula Prieto (Buenos Aires ARGENTINA)

Perennial (Vernon CT)

Personal Trainer (Amsterdam NETHERLANDS)

Pug Johnson (Beaumont TX)

Quiet Money Dot (Houston TX)

Really Good Time (Dublin IRELAND)

Rowena Wise (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)

Sarah Klang (Gothenburg SWEDEN)

Scarlet House (Charlotte NC)

Shao Dow (London UK-ENGLAND)

Shiho Yabuki (Hadasu JAPAN)

Shishi (Vilnius LITHUANIA)

Sir Jude (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)

Sly5thAve (Austin TX)

Soda Blonde (Dublin IRELAND)

Sofia Grant (London UK-ENGLAND)

Sultanes del Yonke (El Paso TX)

Summer Pearl (London UK-ENGLAND)

Surely Shirley (Kiama     AUSTRALIA)

Susobrino (Brussel BELGIUM)

Tesfaye Taye Gebeyehu / Yaho Ethiopian Cultural Band/ (Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA)

The Philharmonik (Sacramento CA)

The Ting Tings (Manchester UK-ENGLAND)

The VANNS (Wollongong AUSTRALIA)

tiger bae (Harumi JAPAN)

TVOD (Brooklyn NY)

Twin Shadow (Los Angeles CA)

twst (Barry UK-WALES)

Vanessa Zamora (San Diego CA)

Venus Grrrls (Leeds UK-ENGLAND)

Volcan (San Antonio TX)

Vv Pete (Sydney AUSTRALIA)

Water Damage (Austin TX)

Woomb (Sofia BULGARIA)


Xixa (Tucson AZ)

Yasmin Williams (Woodbridge VA)

Yndling (Bergen NORWAY)

Yoo Doo Right  (Montreal CANADA)

Yuuf (London UK-ENGLAND