Ahead of its grand opening on May 10, the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oka. has named poet laureate Joy Harjo as their first artist-in-residence. The residency will carry on for six years, during which Harjo will present educational programs, live performances and curate special exhibitions.

Steve Higgins, Managing Director of the American Song Archives, which manages the Bob Dylan Center, said, “As a poet, musician, playwright and author, Joy Harjo exemplifies artistry and brings light to the world through her work.” He continued to say, “The BDC’s programs and exhibits will explore the creative process and inspire the next generations of artists, and we couldn’t be more honored that Joy is playing such an important role in helping us to fulfill our mission and establish our future legacy.”  

According to a press release, in response to her appointment Horjo said, “When Bob Dylan stepped forward and made his path of song making, poetry, and storytelling, a path that lit a generation, he opened a creative door for others to find their way to fresh invention and imagining. I am one of those who followed. My residency will allow this legacy to be extended to the community, to encourage and share creativity. I am honored to be part of this new venture.”