Boz Scaggs, Zigaboo Modeliste, Taj Mahal, Blondie Chaplin and many more joined Los Lobos for their 40th anniversary at The Fillmore in San Francisco last Saturday. The band played a lengthy, sit-in heavy set that featured covers of tunes by the Grateful Dead, The Meters and The Beach Boys, among others.
David Hidalgo’s grandson Louie was the first guest to make an appearance when he joined Los Lobos for “Emily” early in the night. Blondie Chaplin was the next artist to sit in, making an appearance on “52 Letters” and The Beach Boys’ “Sail On Sailor” (Chaplin was a member of The Beach boys from 1972-73). Scaggs then took the stage with drummer Jason Lozano to join the group for a rendition of his song “Runnin Blues” before Eamoon Flynn came out for “As The Years Go Passing By.” Taj Mahal and Chaplin came next, sitting with Los Lobos on “Everybody’s Got to Change Sometimes” before the band closed out their set with a take on The Grateful Dead’s “Bertha.”
Los Lobos returned for an encore that featured many of the nights previous guests—Scaggs, Chaplin and Taj Mahal—as well as Meters drummer Zigaboo Modeliste (whose band opened the evening) and David Hidalgo’s son, bassist Vincent Hidalgo. The artists sat in with the band for a take The Meters’ classic “Cissy Strut” before exiting the stage so that the band could close out the show with a rendition of “Mas y Mas.”
Los Lobos will continue their 40th anniversary tour into 2014.
Here’s a look at the night’s setlist
Saturday, December 21, 2013, Los Lobos, The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA
Ay Te Dejo en San Antonio*
Los Ojos De Pancha*
Let’s Say Goodnight*
I Got To Let You Know*
Why Do You Do?
Tears of God
Yo Canto
La Pistola y El Corazón
Saint Behind The Glass
Angel Dance
52 Letters#
Sail On Sailor#
Dream in Blue>
The Running Blues**
As The Years Go Passing By++
Don’t Keep Me Wondering
Kiko and the Lavender Moon
Volver, Volver
Cumbia Raza
Set Me Free (Rosa Lee)
Everybody’s Got To Change Sometime***
Cissy Strut+++
Mas y Mas
(*)-w/Louie Pérez on drums
(+) -w/Luca (Dave’s grandson) on percussion
(#)-w/Blondie Chaplin on guitar and vocals
(**)-w/Boz Scaggs on guitar and vocals and Jason Lozano on drums
(++)-w/Boz Scaggs on guitar and vocals, Eamonn Flynn on keyboards, and Jason Lozano and Bugs both on drums
(***)-w/Taj Mahal and Blondie Chaplin on guitar and vocals
+++-w/Boz Scaggs, Blondie Chaplin, Taj Mahal, Zigaboo Modeliste (drums), and Vincent Hidalgo (bass)
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